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KELIKI PAINTING CLASS Learn Balinese Traditional Keliki Painting from local artists in a unique Culture setting. Practice the unique technique of Keliki painting with traditional materials and techniques. A local master artist will walk you through the process step by step working with you to create your own masterpiece to take home. This workshop is suitable for all ages and abilities. Together with the teacher you will gain an understanding of both the process as well as the traditional motif which give these work such depth and meaning. Learning about egg-painting in a traditional Balinese art style. This class conducted by locals will teach the basics of various Balinese egg-painting styles, such as the best ways to paint on an egg. You'll get to experience trying out a few styles including landscapes, floral and colour themes with close help from the teachers. Traditional Balinese egg painting class in the arts and cultural village of Ubud, Learn the basics behind traditional and ancient Balinese painting styles on the unique slate of an egg and Have a go at it yourself painting your own egg! This is a great way to spend a day, whether you're an artist, or a beginner. enjoy learning how batik is made in this relaxed studio in Ubud, This is an experience everyone should try. Our team are passionate about our craft and eager to share our knowledge and talent. It is truly bring out the artist in you. Not only is it a truly memorable and inspiring experience - it's convenient too.You'll learn the traditional art form using organic dyes and hot wax. We supply Includes all the materials you need to make your own original batik. The class is held in a casual but comfortable studio in the family home compound and is run by master artist. You can do everything stage of the process yourself under our guidance. T-Shirt Painting WOOD AND STONE CARVING

Thursday, December 17, 2015


A visit to an art museum is probably not what most people associate with a trip to Ubud Bali, but Ubud has a unique painting tradition. Within the last couple of years, paintings from some of the most well-known painters from Bali has reached prices well above Millions USD on auctions. On top of that, Bali’s has some world class art museums, so whether you are a true art aficionado or just enjoy walking through a museum discovering new artists you should consider adding a visit to one of Ubud’s art museums to your Bali itinerary.
The Balinese painting tradition dates back to the 13th century, but it was in the 1920's things really exploded. Up until then, almost all painting in Bali had been religious paintings and the colors used where the colors that could be obtained from natural dyes. In 1927, the King in Ubud invited western artists to Bali and encouraged them to share their techniques with local artists. In return the King provided free accommodation. Among the artist who arrived to Bali in that period were German Walter Spies, The Dutchmen Arie Smit and Walter Bonnet and Belgian Adrien-Jean Le Mayeur - some of those now selling for millions of dollars. In the period following the 1920’s new painting styles emerged from Balinese painters. The different styles got named after the village they emerged from (Ubud, Sanur and Batuan being the three major villages) and commonly known as modern traditional Balinese paintings. Since then Balinese art has continued to develop. Ubud is still the cultural center in Bali and it is in Ubud you find Bali’s most important art museums. Below 4 art museums in Ubud Bali where you can find paintings from Bali’s many great artists.

Painting By Lempad
Picture from www.therudana.org

1. Museum Puri Lukisan (Ubud)
The Dream of Darmawangsa; Arjuna aims his arrow at a she-demon as Darmawangsa raises his arms in alarm. Ink, cinnabar, and gold leaf on paper, 45 x 31 cm, 1957

The Museum Puri Lukisan was founded in 1956 on the initiative of Tjokorda Gde Agung Sukawati, the prince of Ubud and the painter and friend of the prince, Rudolf Bonnet. A walk through the buildings of the museum will take you on a tour through the history of Balinese art. Everything is well explained with small signs next to the artworks.
Among the highlight of the museum is ink drawings by I Gusti Nyoman Lempad, one of Bali’s most famous artists. Included in a visit to Museum is also a stroll through the lovely garden that is part of the museum ground and a drink at the museums cafĂ©.
Admission: 50.000 IDR (Drink included). Web: Museum Puri Lukisan

2. Agung Rai Museum of Art – ARMA (Ubud)

The Agung Rai Museum has paintings by almost all the foreign painters that were part of the evolution of Bali’s painting tradition in the years around 1930 and is the only place in Bali where you can see the work of Walter Spies. When it comes to the works from local artists, the collection is equally impressive, with several of the most influential Balinese artists hanging on the walls of the museum. Apart from being a museum, the ARMA is also a cultural center and is the host of theaters and dance performances.
Admission: 50.000 IDR (Tea or coffee included)

3. Neka Art Museum (Ubud)

Arie Smit "Coral Temple At Sanur" Acrylic on canvas, 149 x 144 cm, 1994

The Neka Art Museum is located in Sanggingan village a few kilometers northwest of Ubuds center. The museum consists of several buildings and pavilions dedicated to different styles or painters. I Gusti Nyoman Lempad, Arie Smith Miguel Covarrubias, Rudolf Bonnet and Donald Friend are among the featured artists. In addition to the permanent exhibition there is an exhibition hall.
Admission: 50.000 IDR
Web: Neka Art Museum

4. Museum Rudana (Ubud)
Balinese Drummer (1955) Artist: Huang Fong (1936), Oil on Canvas, Size: 80 x 100 cm

The museum is located in the village of Peliatan, just east of the center of Ubud.
The museum opened in 1995 by Nyoman Rudana, a local politician with a passion for Balinese and Indonesian art. The museum is striving to support living Balinese artist as well as to preserve early Balinese paintings and to keep Balinese paintings in Bali.
The three floors of Museum Rudana has paintings from Bali dating more than 150 years back as well as modern paintings on display.
Admission: 20:000 IDR
Web: Museum Rudana

4. Blanco Museum (Ubud)

The Blanco museum is a place where you can savor Balinese life in motion, with a visit to the family temple or stroll through the gardens. Everywhere there are touches of Antonio Blanco's life. The artist's studio remains undisturbed, the unfinished painting still on the sunken easel.

Women wander through the yard, in traditional Balinese dress carrying offerings. The visitor can see the delicate flower and palm leaf offerings being made in the courtyard. The Blanco family provides a personal tour of the museum and grounds. There are several Blanco Litographs and book about Antonio Blanco on sale at the museum.
Web: Blanco Museum